Lexical material in the development of oil and gas terminology 1Smagulova Aigerim Sovetkhanovna, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of diplomatic translations department of the international relations faculty. KazNU named after al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

A year ago  in this same site we  published an interesting article by  Mukhametkaliyeva Gulnar Oskuskanovna and others. We just received a second one by her and others ,equally interesting, and we publish it being certain that, as it concern oil and gaz, in which Kazakhstan is rich, it will interest lot of people 
Maria Negreponti-Delivanis

former Rector and Professor at the University of Macedonis (Greece)


Lexical material in the development of oil and gas  terminology

1Smagulova Aigerim Sovetkhanovna,   candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of diplomatic translations department of the international relations faculty.
KazNU named after al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Aigerim_0715@ mail.ru
2Mukhametkaliyeva Gulnar Oskuskanovna candidate of   philological sciences,   professor of diplomatic translations department of the international relations faculty.
KazNU named after al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan.


The article describes the similarity and kinship of oil and gas terminology. At present, the scientific interest in terminology is growing, which helps to identify various types of neologisms in the formation of new oil and gas terms. When classifying the main methods of term formation, borrowings from English, Russian, Arabic and other languages. The study of foreign elements in the terminological vocabulary of the Kazakh language is of interest not so much for determining the process of contacting the Kazakh language with the languages ​​mentioned above, but for clarifying the material basis of borrowed words.
Keywords: Lexography, term, terminology, oil and gas industry and applied terminology

I Introduction

  In connection with global changes in the economy of sovereign Kazakhstan, in particular with the successful development of the oil and gas sector in which international companies take an enormous part, in this area of ​​communication, many new terms have appeared in the Kazakh language. This necessitated their ordering, classification, and therefore, careful research from a linguistic point of view.
The development of Kazakh branch terminology is characterized by the stage of standardization and normalization. To achieve optimal results, materials and dictionaries reflecting the current trends in languages ​​are needed. At the same time, it should be noted that the special and technical terminology system in the Kazakh language is at the stage of formation and requires a scientifically based approach to the development of industry terminology. The problem of the formation of the Kazakh terminology system in the oil and gas sphere is of particular relevance in connection with the role and place of Kazakhstan in the world oil industry.
   As you know, oil occupies a leading place in the world fuel and energy economy, being the most important source of energy. The share of this raw material in the total consumption of energy resources is continuously growing. The oil and gas industry is connected with most of the interstate relations carried out with the involvement of translators. In addition, hundreds of thousands of people work in this sphere, providing legal, financial, marketing and many other services to the main production. Over the past years, significant and fundamentally important changes have taken place in the field of petro chemistry, oil production and refining, which has contributed to the expansion of the lexico - terminological material. Understanding the peculiarities of special vocabulary raises the quality of the entire service block, shortens the time to find the optimal solution in a dynamic market.
    The modern level of development of science and technology is characterized by an enormous amount of information. Even a popular presentation of the latest scientific and technological achievements requires a modern man to have a fairly large amount of terminological vocabulary. Therefore, more and more attention is paid to the study of individual subsections in terminology. The oil industry is a rapidly developing the branch of the economy. Providing transportation with fuel is an urgent problem for many countries. Drilling is one of the most important branches of the oil and gas production industry, on the level of development of which oil extraction depends to a large extent, especially in hard-to-reach areas of the globe. In the latest achievements of Kazakhstan's oil and gas industry and the formation of appropriate infrastructure in the region, the successful development of the oil and gas resources of the Caspian Basin of Western Kazakhstan largely depends on the operational use of domestic and foreign achievements by scientists, engineers, economists, oil workers in such areas as well drilling, oil production , the construction     of oil pipelines, etc.
   Terminology as a special branch in the structure of terminology has applied not been fully formed to date. The subject of applied terminology is the comparison of individual terms and their collections related to a certain area of ​​knowledge or activity. In addition, the dependence of the term on terminology and the thermo-system makes it possible to reveal regularities when comparing the content and formal structure of terms belonging to one national language, but belonging to different sets.
  The basic principles of selection of lexical material and terminology of oil and gas industry is described in this article. In view of the proposed principles of selection was made a brief glossary of the minimum dictionary «Petroleum Engineering".  The dictionary includes the terminological vocabulary and some lexical items related to general academic vocabulary. (Leichik V.M).
     Modern lexicography has significantly expanded and strengthened   with computer technologies for the creation and operation of dictionaries. Therefore, a new direction in linguistics - corpus lexicography - has been widely spread, which develops general principles for constructing linguistic corpus of data using modern computer technologies.
    Installation of the dictionary to ensure the success of communication, increasing the requirement for accuracy and completeness of the information contained in the dictionary articles on the possibility of using in various fields. Ideally, the dictionary should be an intermediary between theoretical linguistics and society. Successful realization of communicative goals in mastering the language presupposes the existence of such dictionaries that would allow the learner to determine not only the level of the desired communicative competence, but also the strategy of mastering the language, the volume of vocabulary.
    For the effectiveness of language training in the preparation of polyglot specialists in universities, it is necessary in the body of any lexicographic source that the vocabulary should be interesting, cognitive, grammatically filled, connected with the culture and customs of peoples, as the surrounding world is displayed in the mirror of terminological dictionaries.
(Alekseeva L.M. 2000:150).
Modern society requires the improvement of vocabulary. At the present time, the lexical and statistical processing of the source and target lexical material is carried out using computer technology, namely by introducing computers and dictionary construction, improving vocabulary techniques, conducting compulsory sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic studies to correct data from dictionary files.

From the point of view of the vocabulary, borrowing in different languages ​​has a differentiated effect. If in some languages ​​they did not exert such a significant influence on the vocabulary of the language, then in other languages, borrowing in different historical epochs had such a significant influence that even official words such as pronouns and prepositions borrowed from other languages ​​supplanted the original ones. Borrowing from 50 languages ​​of the world lexical units make up almost 70% of the vocabulary of English language includes layers of vocabulary borrowed in different historical epochs and under the influence of different - historical, geographical, social, economic, cultural, etc. - development conditions and the existence of English (Boldyrev N.N)
  As a result of the long historical interaction of languages, borrowing as a process and borrowing as a result of this process is of considerable interest. Consequently, this topic always remains important and relevant, there is enough material for both consideration and research. After all, a living language is a constantly developing phenomenon, permanent, bringing something new, excluding unnecessary, unnecessary in an active vocabulary. In the process of a long history of its development, the English language was perceived by a significant number of foreign words that penetrated the dictionary in one way or another. Among these words there are also service words, and derivational morphemes. (Fedorov A.V).
This circumstance is by no means negative, does not detract from the uniqueness of the English language, its word-forming ability. Moreover, in the applied aspect, this allows you to rely on borrowings from languages ​​belonging to one group with your native language when working with vocabulary and regional geographic material.    The origin of the terminology "oil and oil products" in English is associated with two words oil и petroleum. Lexeme oil First-of-its-kind origin was used to denote the concept «масло» и Only in the 16th century it was used to designate the concept of "oil." Lexeme petroleum, including the primordial European root -ol-, was the first name for the term "oil". Consequently, on the basis of lexicographical data, it can be argued that the acquaintance of the English with the phenomenon of "oil" occurred in the late 14th - early 15th centuries, when this concept was given the name  petroleum ─ «каменное масло». It is important to bear in mind that some English terms, similar in sounding to Russian terms, mean completely different concepts. For example, “benzene”  means in the English petrochemical literature is not gasoline at all, i.e. motor fuel, and benzene or oil with an admixture of benzene. The concept “benzene”  in the English petrochemical literature corresponds to the terms: “ petrol”, “ gasoline”.
          With the development of technology, the terminological fund is replenished. This replenishment is due to borrowing and the formation of new words. The development of English terminology is connected with historical events, including the Norman conquest, the rapid development of feudalism in England, the further growth of cities, the development of new crafts and economies. A great influence on the development of terminology in the new period was the era of the development of capitalist production relations in England. Industry and the development of technology caused a significant replenishment of the English language with a number of words related to the development of production in the country. Consider the origin of some termino compounds in the oil and gas industry in English.
  Termination conditioned petroleum product  derived from the verb condition и goes back to the Old French «condition», where it came from Latin (conditioned) with the meaning of "agreement, position." The meaning of "to have a certain state or nature" of the lexeme acquired in the 16th century, in the 19th century it was designated "to bring to the desired state".
  Kerosine ("Lighting kerosene") ─ the Greek word for "a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons, a commercial product obtained during the distillation of oil, is also produced from coal and bituminous shale, and is widely used as a lamp oil." At present, it is very important, as it is a fuel for internal combustion engines, especially for jet engines. It was first produced by Abraham Hesper in the 19th century and was often called «kerosene oil» ((kerosene oil). Well-known under the name petroleum, which indicates the crude oil from which kerosene is produced. Wordforms кerosine, кerosеne currently are the usual name for paraffin in most US states, Australia and New Zealand. In Britain, this variation is strictly limited in technical contexts.
Industrial oil. Words  industrial entered the English language at the end of the 16th century, originally borrowed from French as an independent entity from the Latin «industria + AL». In the 19th century appears as an adapted from the modern French «industriel». In meaning «in quality suitable for industrial use "the word was used in the 19th century.
Syneresis of petroleum product (синерезис нефтепродукта). words syneresis of Latin origin and has the meaning "spontaneous reduction of the volume of the gel, followed by separation of the liquid." It is used since the 19th century.
Thermal stability of petroleum product (термостойкость нефтепродукта). The first component, expressed by the word thermal, is borrowed from the French language (from the French thermal, which in turn goes back to the Greek  thermе ─ «тепло»). The meaning "related to heat, temperature" first appeared in the word in the 19th century. Volatility of petroleum product (volatility of oil) is formed from the Latin word "volatilities". The volatility component in modern language is used in the sense of "readiness for evaporation, the tendency to diffuse or diffuse in the atmosphere, especially at ordinary temperatures." The word first appeared in the 17th century in the sense of "quality, condition or property to change." The term arose in the 19th century. The term corrosion prevention grease (conservation grease) of Latin origin, originated in the 20th century. This group includes the formation of such terms as: corrosion prevention oil, corrosion preventive compound, corrosion preventive property of a petroleum product, corrosiveness of a petroleum product (corrosive property of a petroleum product) ). The above terms have a similar education. The term dropping point of petroleum product (the dropping point of oil) appeared in the 20th century. The carrier of the semantic component, expressed by the adjective dropping, was formed from the word drop (drop, drip, pour) of Old English origin. So, speaking of the borrowings in terminology, one should distinguish borrowings not only from one language to another, but also from the system to the system.     When creating a new term, the most important features for this concept are distinguished from all the characteristics. It was noted above that the terms are borrowed in the "finished form". Along with this, terms are also created with the help of word-building elements: prefixes and suffixes, typical for a particular area of ​​science and technology. Among the prefixes most often used in petrochemical terminology, one should note the negative prefixes "a", "ab" -acyclic - non-cyclic, "abnormal" - unusual.
       The prefixes "bi", "di" borrowed from Latin Greek mean "twice" (bicarbonate, dicarbonate-bicarbonate, diatom-diatomic). At the same time, preference is given to the prefix "di". The prefix "de" in Russian corresponds to the prefix "obez" - dehydration-dehydration.As for the suffixes, the most common are the following: "ane", "ine", "еne" - indicators that it is a matter of matter, not a process.The suffix "ane" is characteristic for saturated carbohydrates of the paraffin series with the structural formula CnH2n: ethylene-ethylene, propylene-propylene.  The suffix "ine" is characteristic for indeterminate carbohydrates of the series with the structural formula Cn H2n: ethylene-acetylene. In addition, the suffix "ine" and its variant "in" are typical for chemical elements: chlorine - chlorine, arsine-arsenic. In the chemical literature there are three homonymous suffixes "ol". One of them is derived from "alcohol" and is characteristic of terms denoting compounds containing hydroxyl groups "OH", i.e. for alcohols: glycerol-glycerin.
       The second suffix "ol" is derived from "phenol" and is transferred to substances belonging to a phenolic group, for example, cresol-cresol. The third suffix "ol" is derived from the Latin word "oleum" (we often find it in the form "olе"): furfurol-furfural. The suffix "yl", typical for chemical substances, is used to refer to chemical radicals. It forms the names of radicals consisting of two or more elements with different atoms. Most radicals are from carbon and hydrogen, for example ethyl, or from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, for example acetyl acetyl.          The suffix "ate" in chemical terminology refers to salts formed by the action of acids on bases, for example, nitrate-nitrate.            Just like in the modern English literary language, in the scientific and technical literature the suffix "ize" is a productive verbal suffix. This suffix of Greek origin joins the foundations for the formation of the verb with the meaning of "lead into a state of pronounced basis" for example to polymerize - to polemize, to oxidize - to oxidize. (Latyshev L.K).
        The verb suffix is ​​also the suffix "fy" for example, to emulsify-emulsify, as well as the suffix "ate" to hydrogenate-hydrogenate. Sometimes the term is a complex noun consisting of two or more elements, often the second element contains a basic meaning, for example, benzope-roxide is benzene peroxide, a carbometer is a device for determining the carbon dioxide content. It should be noted that due to the great compatibility of the elements "benzo", "carbo" and the like, some compilers of dictionaries consider these elements as prefixes.  Often terms are phrases. Such terms - word combinations can be combinations of the type:1. Adjective + noun, for example "white spirit" - gasoline used as a solvent.2. "participle noun", for example, "stopping agent" - an inhaler;3. "noun + noun" for example "paraffin wax" - paraffin. When translating English petrochemical literature, it should be noted that the English terminology has a number of features:
1 The ambiguity of terms;"Oil" - 1) oil; 2) oil:"Carbon" 1) hydrocarbon; 2) coal; 3) graphite. Often the ambiguity of terms in translation does not pay enough attention, and this leads to a distortion of meaning. Sometimes the same term in the English and American special literature denotes different concepts. So the term "paraffin" in the English literature corresponds to the Russian term "kerosene". means liquid oil, and in the American - means solid paraffin.2. Synonymy of terms:"Petroleum spirit", "mineral spirit", "mineral turpentine", "white spirit" - gasoline used as a solvent;"Oil", "petroleum" - corresponds to the term "oil".    Undoubtedly, these examples are a source for the development of cognitive activity in practical classes in English. When the material is introduced into the countries of the studied language, it would be advisable to include this material as an auxiliary, expanding horizon and stimulating research activity of trainees. Thus, the analysis of the terms of the oil and gas industry of the English language showed that the formation of oil and gas industry systems in the language in question is closely connected with the development of industry, economy, politics, technology.

   In conclusion, it should be emphasized that national and international factors interact in the field of technical composite terms. Using as a building material, mainly the national language, its internal potential, the range of word-building morphemes and word-combinations, the creators of terms act according to the language laws. Words and phrases that arise during the development of terminological systems, when moving from the sphere of a common language to a specific scientific or branch terminological domain, enter into specific relations regulated by logical-conceptual relations. Along with the appearance of terms in a certain language, in addition to linguistic, there are external, intralinguistic, factors, which include the appearance of internationalisms. The most important component in the emergence and formation of a certain terminology system in the field of terminology, along with a spontaneous beginning, the conscious efforts to unify terminology in the national, international and international scales are decisive

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Lexical material in the development of oil and gas terminology 1Smagulova Aigerim Sovetkhanovna, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of diplomatic translations department of the international relations faculty. KazNU named after al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Lexical material in the development of oil and gas  terminology   1Smagulova Aigerim Sovetkhanovna,   candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of diplomatic translations department of the international relations faculty. KazNU named after al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Reviewed by Μαρία Νεγρεπόντη - Δελιβάνη on Νοεμβρίου 13, 2017 Rating: 5

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